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accompany 英[əˈkʌmpəni] 美[əˈkʌmpəni, əˈkʌmpni] 过去式:accompanied 过去分词:accompanied 现在分词:accompanying 及物动词 vt.1.陪伴, 陪同 May we accompany you on your walk?我们陪你一起散步好吗?2.伴随…同时发生 Thunder often accompanies lightning.雷声常伴着闪电。3.伴奏 He accompanied me at the guitar.他用吉他给我伴奏。不及物动词 vi.1.伴唱;伴奏 They accompanied harmoniously.他们和谐地伴奏(或伴唱)。 accompany英 [ə'kʌmpənɪ] 美 [əˈkʌmpəni, əˈkʌmpni] vt. 陪伴,陪同;附加,补充;与…共存;为…伴奏 vi. 伴奏 陪伴; 陪; 伴随; 陪同 过去式:accompanied 过去分词:accompanied 现在分词:accompanying 第三人称单数:accompanies 1.动词陪伴;陪同 If you accompany someone, you go somewhere with them. Ken agreed to accompany me on a trip to Africa... 肯答应陪我一起去非洲。She was accompanied by her younger brother... 她由弟弟陪着。The Prime Minister, accompanied by the governor, led the President up to the house. 首相在州长陪同下带领总统前往那座房子。2. 动词伴随;和…一起发生(或同时存在) If one thing accompanies another, it happens or exists at the same time, or as a result of it. This volume of essays was designed to accompany an exhibition in Cologne... 这本文集是为配合在科隆举办的一场展览而出的。The proposal was instantly voted through with two to one in favour, accompanied by enthusiastic applause... 在热烈的掌声中,提案以2比1的优势很快通过了表决。Perhaps the accompanying illustration will explain it. 可能所附的图表能对此作出解释。3. 动词为(歌手或乐手)伴奏 If you accompany a singer or a musician, you play one part of a piece of music while they sing or play the main tune. He sang and Alice accompanied him on the piano... 他一边唱,艾丽斯一边为他钢琴伴奏。We ended with Blake's Jerusalem, accompanied on the organ by Herbert Wiseman. 在赫伯特·怀斯曼的风琴伴奏下,我们演唱了布莱克的《耶路撒冷》作为终曲。accompany, conduct, attend, escort 这些动词均有“陪同,伴随”之意accompany:既可指人也可指物。用于人时,侧重关系紧密或同时发生。conduct:无论用于人或物均指引导带领。attend:侧重主从关系,即下级对上级,学生对老师等,或表恭、服侍。escort:通常指用车或人在陆上伴随、护送,其目的是保护或出于礼节。1.Xiao Zhang has gone to accompany a delegation on a visit abroad. 小张随同代表团出国访问去了。 2. May we accompany you on your walk? 我们陪你一起散步好吗? 3. He'll remain to accompany you. 他将留下来陪你。 4. Would you condescend to accompany me? 你肯屈尊陪我吗? 5. I'll accompany you home. 我陪你回家。 6. A remittance must accompany all orders. 所有订单均须附汇款。 7. Please accompany me on my walk. 请和我就伴一起散散步。 8. Jane was willing to accompany you to the park to go out for a walk. 简愿意陪你去公园散步。 9. A group of young pioneers always accompany the disabled girl to the school. 一群少先队员常常送那位残疾女孩上学。 10. Iraqi officials accompany the inspectors in order to intimidate witnesses. 伊拉克官员陪同核查人员,企图对证人进行恐吓。 11. Nausea, diarrhoea, and vomiting may accompany migraine. 伴随偏头痛可能会出现恶心、腹泻和呕吐症状。 12. Ken agreed to accompany me on a trip to Africa. 肯答应陪我一起去非洲。 13. Chueh-hsin began to accompany them on his flute. 觉新拿了他带来的一管洞箫吹着。 14. He chose divers of them, who were asked to accompany him. 他选择他们当中的几个人,要他们和他作伴。 15. The third involves the undesirable externalities that may accompany productivity increases. 第三是伴随生产率提高而产生的不良的外部影响问题。 16. Elizabeth-Jane went up to Henchard, and entreated him to accompany her home. 伊丽莎白-杰恩走到亨察尔跟前,要求他送她回家。 17. A return business-reply envelope, requiring no stamp, would accompany each questionnaire. 每一份征求意见表均附有一个无须贴邮票的业务回函信封。 18. Miss Sally complying, he desired Mr. Swiveller to accompany them. 萨丽女士答应了,他又拉斯威夫勒先生陪他们同去。 19. They had required that we should accompany them on the trip. 他们曾要求我们陪他们作这次旅行。 20. Severe allergic reactions may accompany administration of the drug. 严重的过敏反应可伴随给药而来。
