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tiger mother是什么意思

2022-10-01 09:23:47 编辑:join 浏览量:610

tiger mother是什么意思

tiger mother是什么意思

tiger mother虎妈;虎妈妈;老虎妈妈例句1.The mother tiger gathered her young around her.母虎把幼崽聚集在它的周围。2.One more way in which the tiger mother's approach differs from that of her Western counterparts: her willingness to drill, baby, drill.虎妈和西方父母还有一点不同:她愿意练习,孩子,练习。3.It was an excerpt of her parenting book, the "Battle Hymn of the Tiger Mother. "这篇文章摘自她的教子经《虎妈战歌》。4.One user wrote: `She`s not only a tiger mother but also his guardian angel.一个网友写道:“她不仅是个虎妈,也是他的守护天使。”5.But reading the book, "Battle Hymn of the Tiger Mother, " it can be hard to tell when she is kidding.但读《虎妈的战歌》一书,很难看出她哪里是在开玩笑。
