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土匪: 1. bandit2. brigand3. banditi4. ladrone5. rapparee6. dacoit7. jayhawker Examples:1. 巡逻队遭到土匪伏击. The patrol was waylaid by bandits.2. 潜伏在那些山里的土匪都已经被包围起来。 The bandits that lay up in those hills have all been rounded up.3. 民兵在中缅边界附近包围了一小撮土匪,并把他们缴械。 The militiamen rounded up and disarmed a gang of bandits ear the Sino-Burmese border.4. 土匪们叫道:"我们完了!" "We are done for, " the bandits cried. 土匪筹划劫银行。The bandits set up a bank robbery.暴徒或土匪的姘妇A woman companion of a gunman or gangster.这些土匪试图抢劫一家银行。These gangsters tried to stick up a bank.丛林土匪居住在丛林中的罪犯An outlaw living in the bush.回家路上我们遭到一伙土匪拦路抢劫。We were bailed up by a gang of bushrangers on the way back home.这就是土匪曾经躲藏过的小屋。This is the cottage where the bandits once holed up.他们在深山剿灭了一股土匪。They broke up a gang of bandits deep in the mountains.民兵们噼噼啪啪地不断向土匪射击。The militiamen were banging away at the hand its.土匪头目决定把告密者开车带走杀掉。The gang leader decided that the informer must be taken for a ride.土匪劫持了卡车并杀害的司机。The bandits hijacked the lorry and killed the driver.
