

2022-11-13 08:36:51 编辑:join 浏览量:567



打开文件config.ini 把下面的覆盖了  有10亿多 有钱就有经验了嘛  多砍人 多买爵位就ok了  -----------------分界线---------------------  [MOD]  //每回合一年,且所有人长一岁。 0:关闭 1:开启  OneYearPerRound = 1  //是否开启转职菜单。 0:关闭 1:开启  ChangeClassMenu = 1  //议会执行间隔的年数。0:关闭(无间隔) n(n>0): 除第一年外,其他每隔n年执行一次。  OfficeSessionDelay = 1  //医院救济计划 0:关闭 1:开启 (对玩家无效)  Hospital_Succor = 1  //送货时间 有效范围: 1-24  Hospital_DeliveryTime = 5  //每天支助多少绷带(n>0)  Hospital_BandagePerRound = 10  //每天支助多少药瓶(n>0)  Hospital_MedicinePerRound = 5  //每天支助多少止痛药(n>0)  Hospital_PainKillerPerRound = 2  //首都的额外津贴,随机赠送某种医疗物品(n>0)  Hospital_CapitalBonus = 5  [GFX]  ScreenWidth= 1024  ScreenHeight= 768  FullScreen = 1  Contrast = 1.0  Brightness = 1.0  BloomEffect = 0  RangeOfSight = 35000  SaveMovie = 0  ScreenShotType = "BMP"  // Distance of near ground texturing  NearDetailRange = 9000  // Range of the near tree rendering  NearWoodRange = 6000  // Bone LOD Distances  BoneLOD_0 = 500.0  BoneLOD_1 = 2000.0  BoneLOD_2 = 6000.0  BoneLOD_3 = 8000.0  // Render water reflection  WaterReflection = 1  // Frames per second in cloth calculation  ClothFPS = 20  // Skips the first n texture  SkipMipLevel = 0  // Probability for building outdoor lights to occur 0-100  OutdoorLights = 50  // Enable or disable character shadows  CharacterShadows = 0  // Skips the first n LOD for buildings  SkipBuildingLOD = 0  // Triggers n Resource Update Checks for each frame. Dev only  ResourceUpdates = 0  OverallQuality = 2  SkipBuildingLOD = 1  VegetationRange = 0.5f  MipMapLODBias = -0.5  OceanShader = 1  [GAME]  // Use the start menu (0:no 1:on (default) )  UseStartMenu = 1  // Use the character creation (0:no 1:on (default) )  UseCharacterCreation = 1  // Show the splash screen at programm startup (0:no 1:on (default) )  SplashScreen = 0  // Show Loading screen (0:no 1:on (default) )  LoadingScreen = 1  // enables measurement of rending performance - perfconfig.ini will be used instead of userconfig.ini -  // no gameplay will be possible  MeasureRendering = 0  // define the campaign for use at the start screens (menu/splash/charactercreation)  CharacterCreation = "_Startup"  // Language for localization  Language = "english"  // cart size at the beginning of the game (0:small(default) 1:middle 2:large)  CartSize = 1  // CameraIndoorSpeed : Set the movement speed of the indoor camera  // this switch is for indoor scroll-camera-mode only  CameraIndoorSpeed = 800  // CameraDefaultRotate : Set the default outdoor behavior of the camera  // 0 : rotate and act about the viewport (viewport-camera mode)  // 1 : rotate and act about the camera position (fixed-camera mode)  CameraDefaultRotate = 0  // CameraMinPitch / CameraMaxPitch : define the min and max pitch for the camera  // this switch is for fixed and viewport-camera mode  CameraMinPitch = 25  CameraMaxPitch = 65  // CameraMinHeight / CameraMaxHeight : define the min and max height for the camera  // this switch is for fixed and viewport-camera mode  CameraMinHeight = 800  CameraMaxHeight = 4500  // CameraStartHeight : define the start height for the camera  // this switch is for fixed and viewport-camera mode  CameraStartHeight = 2000  // CameraFixedMinDistance / CameraFixedMaxDistance: distance to viewport at minimal/maximal height  // this switch is for fixed-mode only  CameraFixedMinDistance = 500  CameraFixedMaxDistance = 2500  // CameraCurveFactor : modify the way the camera change the high between CameraMinHeight and CameraMaxHeight.  // A factor of 1 is a linear interpolation between the point, a value lower than 1 increases the curve  // this switch is for fixed-mode only  CameraCurveFactor = 0.25  // CameraFixedHeight : Enables or disable fixed camera height over the terrain  // this switch is for viewport-mode only  CameraFixedHeight = 0  // Offset (over ground) to which the camera looks  // this switch is for viewport-mode only  CameraViewHeight = 180  // CameraViewOffset : set's a distance offset to the viewport-object  // this switch is for viewport-mode only  CameraViewOffset = 100  CameraSteps = 12  CameraMinSpeed = 2  CameraMaxSpeed = 10  CameraMouseZoomY = 10  Campaign = "_Endless"  [OPTIONS]  // sets the playersim should always run (default 0: no(1: on))  AlwaysRun = 1  //sets the camera scrolling speed  ScrollSpeed = 0.5  //sets the game simulation speed  GameSpeed = 0.0  //sets the mouse movement speed  MouseSpeed = 1.0  //sets camera path length  CameraPath = 1.0  //enables mouse help  MouseHelp = 1  //enables tipps and tricks  TipsTricks = 1  //enables auto save  AutoSave = 0  // distance of objects near camera to begin fade out  CameraObjectFade = 500  MissionDifficulty = 2.000000  OpponentDifficulty = 2.000000  PlayerCount = 6.000000  [UserConfig]  m_Gender = 1.000000  [SFX]  NoSound = 0  master_volume=1.0  athmo_music_volume=0.35  athmo_sfx_volume=0.6  speech_volume=1.0  music_prob=1.0  [GUI]  // dialog speed in seconds per char (0.05 (default))  DialogSpeed = 0.05  // minimal dialog time, a dialog will at least display for this timespan  MinDialogTime = 2.0  // dialog speed modifier for interactions, will be multiplicated with the dialog speed and the min dialog time(4 (default))  InteractiveDialogSpeedModifier = 4  BorderScrolling = 1  ScrollSpeed = 0.5  // enables/disables dynamic measure group button behavior (0: disabled (default), 1: enabled)  DynamicMeasures = 0  [INIT-PLAYER-0]  HasResidence = 3  Workshops = 3  Money = 999999999  Married = 3  [INIT-AI-0]  InitDelay = 0  WaitForPlayer = 1  HasResidence = 1  Workshops = 1  Money = 1  Married = 0  [INIT-PLAYER-1]  HasResidence = 1  Workshops = 0  Money = 6000  Married = 0  [INIT-AI-1]  InitDelay = 0  WaitForPlayer = 1  HasResidence = 1  Workshops = 1  Money = 4000  Married = 0  [INIT-PLAYER-2]  HasResidence = 1  Workshops = 0  Money = 1  Married = 0  [INIT-AI-2]  InitDelay = 0  HasResidence = 1  Workshops = 1  Money = 1  Married = 0  [INIT-PLAYER-3]  HasResidence = 1  Workshops = 0  Money = 3000  Married = 0  [INIT-AI-3]  InitDelay = 0  HasResidence = 1  Workshops = 2  Money = 5000  Married = 1  [INIT-PLAYER-4]  HasResidence = 1  Workshops = 0  Money = 2500  Married = 0  [INIT-AI-4]  InitDelay = 0  HasResidence = 1  Workshops = 2  Money = 6000  Married = 1  Childs = 2  [ENDLESS]  World="addon.wld"  [NETWORK]  // ATTENTION: this settings are only valid, if you have selected "_Network" as campaign  World="addon.wld"  //Specifies whether the synclogger is used when playing a multiplayer game  UseSyncLogger = 1  //specifies whether sync errors are fatal  AsyncFatal = 1  NAT=""
