

2022-11-28 15:10:56 编辑:join 浏览量:566



broke语法标注解释 break英音:[breik]美音:[brek] 过去式broke 过去分词broken 现在分词breaking ]1.打破;折断;使碎裂He fell down and broke his ankle.他跌断了脚踝。2.毁坏,弄坏;砸破They broke down the door with a big heavy log.他们用一根粗大的木头将门砸开。3.兑开(大额钞票等)4.越(狱);从...挣脱break jail越狱5.冲破(障碍等);破...而入;闯入The river broke its banks during the flood.洪水期间河水冲破了堤岸。6.破(土);割破He fell but didn't break the skin.他跌倒了但没有擦破皮肤。7.打破(寂静等);切断(电路等);中止(旅程等)Radio contact was suddenly broken.无线电联络突然中断了。At last Phil broke the silence.终于由菲尔打破了沉寂。8.使垮掉;制服;放弃(习惯);使放弃习惯He just can't break such a bad habit.他就是改不掉这个坏习惯。9.破坏(约束);违反She didn't break the rules.她没有违反规定。10.打破(记录);超过She broke the world record for the broad jump.她打破了跳远的世界记录。11.透露;说出12.破解(密码);破(案);拆穿13.使破产不及物动词 vi.1.破碎;破裂;断裂The plate broke to pieces when it fell on the floor.盘子落在地上摔碎了。2.破掉,被损坏My watch has broken.我的表坏了。3.猛闯,突破;强行逃脱[Q]The man broke away from his guards.这人从看守处逃脱了。4.中断,中止Let's break for lunch.让我们停下来吃午饭吧。5.(精神等)垮掉His health began to break two years ago.两年前他的健康状况开始变糟。6.突然发生;突然传出We had no sooner set out than a thunder storm broke.我们刚动身就突然下起了大雷雨。7.(天空)破晓When day broke he had already been on the way.天亮时,他已在路上了。8.(嗓音)突变名词 n.1.破损,破裂;裂缝;折断[C]A break in the pipe was found out.发现管道上有一处裂缝。2.暂停;休息[C]There is a ten-minute break between the classes.课间休息十分钟。3.断绝,绝裂[C][(+with/from)]Finally she made the break with her family.她最终与家庭脱离了关系。4.(天气、话题等的)骤变[C][(+in)]There was a break in the weat.....her last week.上周天气突然变化。5.【口】机会;好运[C]As a long-distance runner his main break came last spring in Australia.作为一位长跑选手,他是上个春天在澳大利亚真正交上好运的。6.逃亡;越狱[C]7.(台球)一次连续得分8.【网】发球一方输掉的发球局[C]9.破晓[U]学习进步噢。。。。。。好就要我噢。。。。!!!!*^o^*
