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Eternal Flame的中文意思

2023-02-22 20:48:37 编辑:join 浏览量:536

Eternal Flame的中文意思

Eternal Flame的中文意思

Eternal Flame (永恒的火焰/永垂不朽/永恒之火/永生不灭) The doors are open and you're on your way 世界的大门正为你打开 The eyes of the world are on you to day 它(世界)的眼睛注视着你,等待着你的辉煌 Fire is deep in your heart 你内心深处有着热烈的火焰 Desire burning from the start 欲望亦在熊熊燃烧 You feeling like a winner deep inside 你深信自己就是那个胜利者 Dreaming of gold body of steel梦想有那金刚不坏之身 Druging you on making you feel 并且陶醉着,难以自拔 Second to none united again 这无敌力量结合的伟大 You carry the eternal flame 你拥有着那永生不灭的火焰 Breaking the records for power and speed 超越一切力量与速度的极限 Your faith in yourself now is all that you need 你只要相信自己 Tears when chances are gone 别放弃任何机遇 Joy for the lucky ones and then 就能品尝幸运的甘美香醇 We celebrate a world who join as one 我们欢呼,为这完美合一的世界 Dreaming of gold body of steel 梦想着不朽的身躯 Druging you on making you feel 并且陶醉着 Second to none united again 这无敌力量结合的伟大 You carry the eternal flame 而你,正拥有那永恒不灭的的火焰 Dreaming of gold body of steel 梦想着不朽的身躯 Druging you on making you feel 并且陶醉着 Second to none united again 这无敌力量结合的伟大 You carry the eternal flame 而你,正拥有那永恒的火焰 Dreaming of gold body of steel 梦想着不朽的身躯 Druging you on making you feel 并且陶醉着 Second to none united again 这无敌力量结合的伟大 You carry the eternal flame 就是你,拥有那永恒不灭的火焰
