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in the middle of nowhere 什么意思

2023-05-22 15:01:14 编辑:leo 浏览量:560

in the middle of nowhere 什么意思

in the middle of nowhere 什么意思

in the middle of nowhere在没人的地方in the middle of nowhere[英][in ðə ˈmidl ɔv ˈnəuhwɛə][美][ɪn ði ˈmidl ʌv ˈnoˌhwɛr]<口语>在偏远地方; Landed in the middle of nowhere. 飞机降亮桐落在没人的地方。But they are often built in the middle of nowhere, due to restrictive planning laws. 但由于限制性规划敬散坦法律的规定,它们通常建在偏僻的地点。I am now in the middle of nowhere. 我现在在荒郊野外。You're gonna leave me out here in the middle of nowhere? 你要将我丢在这个鬼地方?Indeed, of the two countries, it is not mauritius which is running its tax-and-investment policylike a funny little island in the middle of nowhere. 确实,在这两个国家中,能把他掘盯们的税收和投资政策运行得像这个无名之地的可爱小岛一样的并不是毛里求斯。如有疑问请继续追问,望采纳,谢谢,您的采纳就是我的力量!
