

2023-10-01 11:18:15 编辑:leo 浏览量:591


"Chairman" 和 "President" 都是职位头衔,但 "Chairman" 主要用于组织、公司、委员会等的领导者,其职责是主持和指导会议;而 "President" 则更广泛地用于组织、公司、学术机构或国家的领导者,其职责可能包括监督日常运营、制定政策等,特别在政府体系中,"President" 是某些国家的国家元首山银。

大家可以先看下面的表格了解一下 chairman和president 吧:


例子1:The chairman of the board called the meeting to order. (董事会主席召集会议。)

例子2:The chairman of the committee made the final decision. (委员会主席做出了最终决定。)

例子1:The president of the United States addressed the nation. (美国总统向全国发表讲话。)

例子2:The company's president oversees all operations. (公司的总裁监督所有业务。)

例子1:Mr. Smith is the chairman of the organization. (史密斯先生是该组织的主席。)

例子2:The chairman of the conference will be Mrs. Johnson. (会议的主席将是约翰逊女士。)

例子1:The president of the club will be elected next month. (俱乐部的主席将在下个月选举产生。)

例子2:Sheila is the president of the company, and she's doing a great job. (希拉是该公司的总裁,她做得非常出色。)

例子1:The chairman will guide the discussion during the meeting. (主席将在会议期间引导讨论。)

例子2:The chairman has the authority to adjourn the meeting. (主席有权休会。)

例子1:The president's speech focused on the country's economic policies. (总统的讲话着重于国家的经济政策。)

例子2:The president of the organization is responsible for setting long-term goals. (该组织的总裁负责制定长期目标。)

例子1:The board appointed a new chairperson to lead the committee. (董事会任命了一位新的主席来领导委员会。)

例子2:The meeting will be chaired by an experienced chair. (会议将由一位经验丰富的主持人主持。)

例子1:The university elected its first female president this year. (该大学今年选举了第一位女校长。)

例子2:The president of the NGO is working on several humanitarian projects. (该非政府组织的总裁正在进行几个人道主义项目。)
