

2022-10-21 11:00:10 编辑:leo 浏览量:569



国际恐怖主义发展趋势及反恐怖国际合作 中文摘要】 当今国际恐怖主义的发展呈现出恐怖组织多元化趋势,恐怖分子使用高科技、生物化学作为恐怖活动武器的危险剧增,恐怖分子越来越多地将无辜平民作为打击的目标。面对恐怖主义的现实威胁,国际合作是打击恐怖主义的有效途径。国际社会必须完善反恐怖国际合作机制,切断恐怖主义的资金供给渠道,加强国际司法合作,促进恐怖主义犯罪的“非政治化”进程。【英文摘要】 Now the international terrorism's development tendency is that the terrorist organization presents the multiplication. The danger is sharply increasing of the terrorist using high tech, the biochemistry as the terror activity weapons, the terrorists are more and more taking the innocent common people as the attack goal. Facing the reality threat of terrorism, the international cooperation is the effective way to attack the terrorism. The international society must consummate the international counter-terrorist cooperation mechanism, shut off the fund supplies channel of the terrorism, strengthen the international judicial cooperation, promote the terrorism criminal " non-politics " advancement.【中文关键词】 恐怖主义; 恐怖活动; 反恐斗争; 国际合作 有全文,需要与我索取全文
