

2022-10-23 18:42:29 编辑:leo 浏览量:641



黑蝙蝠中队 英文版 翻译曲名:A Better Day 歌手:Multicyde&Anea A better day when night belongs to dawn Another way for us to get along Although some might say its never meant to be You gotta be strong, a better day will come This ain't fiction, its all reallity You better listen because this means a lot to me I got something to say just give a moment of your time This has gone way too long and I'm sorry I'm out of line In our society the lines have gone from thik to thin And its a shame you gotto die for the colour of your skin Put aside every feeling you hold for Multicyde Keep listening to what we say together its allright. A better day when night belongs to dawn Another way for us to get along Although some might say its never meant to be You gotta be strong a better day will come By all is necessary listen up 'cause this is heavy Break it up so y'all can get it, there's a way to get ready, Got to step it up 'cause enough is enough Inspectate is to long, now it's time to get rough Not physical but in a serous way Take a look outside your window analyze the day, It ain't over like the song from day one News since 7:30, see the bullets fly by A better day when night belongs to dawn Another way for us to get along Although some might say its never meant to be You gotta be strong a better day will come So this is how we should get up and on it And we can get it if we stand up for it Cause everybody got to want it want it Stand together we can rise abow it So this is how we should get up and on it And we can get it if we stand up for it Everybody got to want it want it Stand together we can rise abow it A better day when night belongs to dawn Another way for us to get along Although some might say its never meant to be You gotta be strong a better day will come A better day when night belongs to dawn Another way for us to get along Although some might say its never meant to be You gotta be strong a better day will come better day (中文) (美好的日子)为什么你离开了我(无论如何),没留一句话,我们美丽的回忆,将无法再回来 [Tony] 我无法预测我们的分离将如此轻易的来到,我们曾经在一起分享快乐,承担痛苦,可我们不得不分离,过去的日子一去不复返,那些和你共同度过的纯真的日子,那些每个人都妒忌我们的日子,那些我们从未相互猜忌的时光,在那阴森森的过去,遇到你是我最大的幸运 (美好的日子)为什么你离开了我(无论如何),没留一句话,我们美丽的回忆,将无法再回来 [JaeWon] yo!在那聊无生趣的日子里,你是我那精疲力竭而孤独的灵魂的一线曙光;你那明亮的小眼睛在这世界上是无可替代的,无法用言语描述;只要一次亲吻,这世上的所有就都成为了我的,我无比幸福;当看到你的位置人去楼空,我的心灵陷入了孤独的深渊,原谅我不能为你做什幺 (美好的日子)为什么你离开了我(无论如何),没留一句话,我们美丽的回忆,将无法再回来 [WooHyuk] 我希望回到我们深爱着彼此的去年冬天,但我意识到太多的时光已经远去;光阴似箭,现在分离的时刻即将临近;记忆中的一幕幕渐渐淡去,热泪从两颊流下;即使它们是无法恢复的回忆,它们仍然是我的珍爱;我给于你的美丽的回忆,将领着我走向另一个世界(oh oh oh) 所以我将重新开始,我将不能,不能再寻找你了;毫无歉意的忘却你走向另一个世界(重复一遍) (美好的日子)为什幺你离开了我(无论如何),没留一句话,我们美丽的回忆,将无法再回来
