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resource manager是什么意思

2022-12-05 18:44:46 编辑:leo 浏览量:596

resource manager是什么意思

resource manager是什么意思

resource manager[英][riˈsɔ:s ˈmænidʒə][美][ˈriˌsɔrs ˈmænɪdʒɚ]资源管理程序; 例句:1.Resets windows system resource manager to the default information. 重置windows系统资源管理器到默认信息。 2.Following his arrest, zambian police have charged a former senior government officialwith obtaining money by false pretences while working as a human resource manager inthe ministry of health. 在他被捕后,赞比亚警方已落案起诉一名前政府高级官员与以虚假藉口取得金钱而工作作为人力资源经理在卫生部。
