

2022-12-07 10:40:35 编辑:leo 浏览量:624



Macau (Macau) is a Special Administrative Region of The People's Republic of China, one of two located in the west of the Pearl River Delta in southeast China coast, by the Macao Peninsula, Taipa Island and Coloane and Cotai four parts, the total area of 29.2 square kilometers more than 50 million people lived, which makes Macau became the world's most densely populated areas. The north of Macao, Zhuhai City, Guangdong Province, Gongbei connection; West and belong to the Wan Chai and HENGQIN Zhuhai look right. The east with another Special Administrative Region - Hong Kong, 60 kilometers apart, separated by the middle of the Pearl River Mouth. Since the 16th century, Macau was the Portuguese loan, it has also become the first European countries in East Asia, a territory. December 20, 1999, Portugal ended the rule of Macao, the transfer of The People's Republic of China. In the "two systems" policy, Macau enjoys "Macao people administering Macao" and a high degree of autonomy rights. In this 400-plus years, the Eastern and Western cultures coexist in harmony to make Macau into a unique city: the established tradition of antique temples, there are solemn church of God, there are numerous historical and cultural heritage, as well as along the beautiful scenic waterfront . Macau is a "world's four major casino," one of the. His famous textiles, toys, tourism, hotels and casinos make Macau eternity. Therefore, Macau is also the world's most affluent cities. 澳门(Macau)是中华人民共和国两个特别行政区之一,位于中国东南沿海的珠江三角洲西侧,由澳门半岛、氹仔岛、路环岛和路氹城四部分组成,在总面积共29.2平方公里生活了50余万人,这也使澳门成为全球人口密度最高的地区。澳门北与广东省的珠海市拱北连接;西与同属珠海市的湾仔和横琴对望。东面则与另一个特别行政区——香港相距60公里,中间以珠江口相隔。  16世纪起,澳门被葡萄牙租借,这也成为欧洲国家在东亚的第一块领地。1999年12月20日,葡萄牙结束对澳门的统治,政权移交中华人民共和国。在“一国两制”的政策下,澳门享有“澳人治澳”、高度自治的权利。而在这400余年间,东西文化的融和共存使澳门成为一个独特的城市:既有古色古香的传统庙宇,又有庄严肃穆的天主圣堂,还有众多的历史文化遗产,以及沿岸优美的海滨胜景。  澳门是“世界四大赌城”之一。其著名的纺织品、玩具、旅游业、酒店和娱乐场使得澳门长盛不衰。因此,澳门也是全球最富裕的城市之一。
