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come around与come over区别?

2022-12-23 20:06:28 编辑:leo 浏览量:607

come around与come over区别?

come around与come over区别?

come over:过来例:Can you come over and join us?你能过来和我们作伴吗?He has come over to China for the summer.他不远万里来中国度暑假。I guess he will not come over.我猜他不会来了。Come over and see me sometime.改天过来看看我吧。 come around:回来;来(过访:I've been so sorry you couldn't come around this week = 这星期你不能到这儿来,我一直非常遗憾。恢复知觉;转变:My wife is angry with me, but she'll come around soon. = 我的太太跟我生气,但她很快就会同意我的
