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Academy of Arts University和Savannah College of Arts 哪个学校比较好啊?学的工业设计

2023-01-26 08:02:55 编辑:leo 浏览量:646

Academy of Arts University和Savannah College of Arts 哪个学校比较好啊?学的工业设计

Academy of Arts University和Savannah College of Arts 哪个学校比较好啊?学的工业设计

实际上这个问题在yahoo上被国外网友已经问过了,虽然专业领域不太一样。我给你援引几段,供你参考。1.【电影专业的同学问的】Should I go to the Savannah College of Art and Design or the Academy of Art University to study film? 【我应该去SCAD还是AAU?学电影的】AAU is closer to home, but SCAD did give me a scholarship.【AAU离我家更近,但SCAD给奖了】【回答】hmmmm, SCAD seemed really expensive to me. I know everyone says the Academy is expensive, but it's really not compared to other schools. I pretty much gave up on SCAD because of the cost.【嗯。。。我听说SCAD特贵啊。。。我知道的每个人都说AAU贵,但是跟别的学校相比真不算贵。我基本上放弃了去SCAD的念头就是因为花费问题。】I love the Academy. It's a great school in an amazing city, but you probably already know that. The film program is really good. I have lots of friend in it and they love that they get to work with the cameras right from the start. No sitting in two years of lecture classes. 【我特喜欢AAU。它是一个很棒的学校,同时坐落在一个非常好的城市里(旧金山),你也和可能直到这一点了。这里的电影专业非常棒,我有很多朋友在这里,而他们尤其喜欢那种可以一上来就用摄影机的课程,而不是在教室里面坐着呆两年。】Plus San Francisco is a great movie town, not to mention close to LA. Georgia, not so much.【此外旧金山是一个不错的电影城市,不用说离洛杉矶也很近。佐治亚州呢,就不行了吧】2.Savannah College of Art and design or Academy of Art University ?【SCAD还是AAU?】in your opinion which school is better? i'm fine going to either school but i just can't decide on a school. so if you can help by giving your opinion about the schools, thanks【你们觉得哪个学校更好?我觉得去哪个都行,但是我就是决定不下来。你们能不能帮帮我给点儿意见,谢了啊】【回答】Just Depends which state you want to be in, I guess.. 【大概取决于你家在哪个州吧,我猜...】But I'd go for the one with the bigger campus. 【但是如果是我,我就哪个学校大去哪个】AAU seems to be spread downtown SF,not sure with the other.【AAU看起来在旧金山市中心,不确定另一个学校咋样】SCAD seems to offer more degrees compared to AAU. soo yeah.【SCAD看起来比AAU提供更多学位,(所以我大概会去SCAD)】3.Academy of Art University vs. Savannah College of Art and Design?【AAU还是SCAD?】I personally want to do a dual major in industrial design and fashion design. I feel like SCAD has the better ID department but AAU has the better FD department. Plus, there are definitely different pros and cons for each school. So opinions are definitely recommended!【我个人来说想学一个工业设计和时尚设计的双专业。我觉得SCAD的工业设计系更好,但是AAU时尚设计系更好。此外,这两个学校肯定是各有利弊。给点儿建议吧!】【回答】Both AAU and SCAD are legit. Very expensive though. 【AAU和SCAD都挺给力的。就是挺贵】What do they offer that you cannot get at your state's public universities?【去了那儿能学到什么你在州立大学学不到的么?】4.SCAD or Academy of Art University?【SCAD?AAU?】I've read more negative reviews about AAU, but it's a good $10,000 cheaper than SCAD per year. Does anyone out there have any personal experience from either school that can provide me with some input?【我听过很多AAU的负面评价,但是它可比SCAD每年便宜10000美元啊。有谁亲身经历过这俩学校么,给点儿意见?】I do plan on attending a community college for 2 years, then transferring to a 4-year school, but I need something that offers online education, and these seem to be the only accredible art schools I've discovered.【我想的是在社区学院读两年再转到4年制大学,但是我需要去一个能提供在线教育的学校,我发现的学校里就这俩比较靠谱】【回答(官方)】Hello,Thank you for your interest in Savannah College of Art and Design! More than 90% of our students receive some sort of financial assistance. In addition to federal aid that you might be entitled to after completing the FAFSA, all accepted applications are automatically reviewed for academic scholarship based on your GPA and test scores. If you choose to submit a portfolio and/or resume, you would also be reviewed for an achievement scholarship. And need-based awards are available as well. Go to www.scad.edu/scholarships to learn more.【谢谢你对SCAD的兴趣。我们90%以上学生都有财政资助。除了通过填写FAFSA而得到的政府补贴,所有的录取申请都会根据你的成绩被自动考虑是否提供奖学金。如果你提供了一份代表作或者简历,你就有机会得到成就奖学金。按需发放的奖学金也是可能得到的。请去下面网站了解更多。】If you have additional questions, feel free to chat live with an admission representative at www.scad.edu/livechat or email admission@scad.edu. Best of luck to you!【如果有更多问题,请用这些方式问我】Sincerely,Carey Fortner【SCAD学校官员】Virtual Admission RepresentativeSavannah College of Art and DesignSource(s):www.scad.edu2 months agoHi, At Academy of Art University, we offer 20 majors online that are regionally and nationally accredited. No matter what your passion is in art and design, you can study online. 【你好,在AAU我们提供20个专业的在线课程,被当地和全国都认可。不管你的兴趣在什么,你都可以在网上学。】As an online student, you will take the same classes and even have the same instructors as you would if you were studying on campus. To get a feel for how our online classes work, check out this link: http://media.academyart.edu/online/ 【作为一个在线学生,你可以上到和普通学生一样的课程,甚至由一样的老师来教。来感受一下在线学习系统?请去这个链接:】As you plan to attend a community college first, Academy of Art University will create a Transfer Guide for you – this will have a list of classes you can take at your community college that will transfer in to AAU.【既然你考虑先去一个社区学院(再转去4年制的AAU),AAU可以提供一个转学指导:它会提供一系列在社区学院可以上的,可转学分的课程】You mentioned wanting to speak to someone with personal experience, so give us a call at 1-800-544-ARTS or send us an email at admissions@academyart.edu to go over the questions you have. We look forward to hearing from you!【你说过想和亲身经历过的人联系,所以可以给我们电话、邮件。我们希望能和你联系!】Sarah CliffordUndergraduate Admissions【AAU官员】79 New Montgomery San Francisco, CA 94105Source(s):http://www.academyart.edu/翻译了这么多,楼主也参考了这么多,相信您会有自己的答案。我个人还是偏向AAU,因为地理条件比较好,而且学费便宜,更有很多在线课程可以选择。我自己就在美国留学,有什么问题可以随时问我。满意请采纳哟亲
