

2022-09-18 16:09:41 编辑:leo 浏览量:587



Allow: [ ə'lau ] v. 允许,准许vi. (for)考虑到vt. 允许例句与用法: 1. You are not allowed to smoke here. 这里不许吸烟。 2. The patient was allowed up (ie permitted to get out of bed) after 10 days. 病人十天以后才允许起来(准予离床下地). 3. It will take you half an hour to get to the station, allowing for traffic delays. 把路上的耽搁算进去, 你要用半小时才能到车站. 4. The facts allow of only one explanation. 这些事实只能有一种解释. 5. How much holiday are you allowed? 你有多少天假? 6. He allowed that I had the right to appeal. 他同意我有权上诉. 7. This diet allows you one glass of wine a day. 这种规定饮食可让你每天喝一杯酒. 8. She won't allow the children in(to the house) until they've wiped their shoes. 孩子们不把鞋擦乾净, 她就不让他们进(屋). Deny: [ di'nai ] v. 否认例句与用法: 1. The accused man denies that he has ever met her. 被告否认他曾经遇到过她。 2. He has denied his country and his principles! 他已经背弃了自己的国家和原则! 3. I was denied the chance of going to university. 我得不到上大学的机会。 4. She was angry at being denied the opportunity to see me. 因不准她见我, 她非常生气. 5. He gave to his friends what he denied to his family. 他宁可赠予朋友也不给家里人. 6. He denies himself nothing. 他对自己极为放纵. 7. I can't in all honesty (ie if I must be honest) deny it. 我确实不能否认这一点. 8. No one can deny the fact that fire burns. 无人能否认火能燃烧的事实.
