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occur to sb. 是什么意思?

2023-03-20 12:48:47 编辑:leo 浏览量:553

occur to sb. 是什么意思?

occur to sb. 是什么意思?

(一件事)偶然发生在某人身上_____________________________________________________________1. occur vi.发生, 出现 解析:【同】happen, take place 【衍】occurrence n.发生 【辨析】happen强调偶然性 There happen to be no money with me. It so happens that... take place指有计划的使某事发生 Great changes have taken place in my hometown. occur则包括了以上二者的意义,比较含糊。 2. occur是一般用词,可指某事情偶然发生或者按照计划进行,在表示具体失去的名词作主语的时候,可与happen换用,但比较正式,跟to短语时,表示“想到”,而不是“发生”,比如 I’m very sorry for all happened to you. An idea occurs to me that going to Switzerland for traveling will be marvelous!
