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product claims 是什么意思?

2023-10-07 22:38:40 编辑:lily 浏览量:634

product claims 是什么意思?

product claims 是什么意思?

额,这个要看具体的语言环境了吧。product claims 产品弊缺要求,our job as a consumer is to educate yourself so you aren't deceived by bogus product health claims.你的工作作为消费者是教育自己,使你不欺骗虚假产品卫生要求。产品索赔。Licensee will make best efforts to assist licensor in all claims for product liability or all claims regarding quality of theproducts covered by this agreement.被许可方会在此协议所规定的产品的产品责任索赔或关于产品质量索赔方面最大限度地协助许可方。产品宣称The analysis concludes that government regulators should evaluate antibacterial product claims and advertising, andfurther studies are encouraged.研究结果说明,政府有责任对抗菌产品宣称的功效租圆辩进行评估,并应鼓励开展进一步研究。【如果满意我的回答的腔腔话,请采纳为满意答案哦】【并轻轻一点“赞同”~谢谢啦】-------------------【你的微笑最重要】团队~~~~~~★ HAPPY夕阳
